February Newsletter
Grant me the wisdom of those past, so I might stand for what I know is right. With the power and knowledge granted from my mind and my body, I have the ability to defend myself and others. I have the wisdom to know when not to abuse my skills. With my mind and my body, I step on the endless path of perfection and seek not to be a follower but a leader of men.

February Birthday
Brayden DiGangi - February 2
Audrey Kimball - February 3
Katrina Durant - February 17
January Promotions
- Kenneth Ashe-Duenas - Yellow Belt
Student of the Month: Abigail Chica
Abigail is always working hard in class. She is always focused, and she has worked hard to be able to test up for her yellow belt. She is a great example for the students around her. She is always respectful and attentive. Way to go, Abigail!!
Words from an Instructor
A problem in karate I have had is not remembering my forms well. I was not learning them well because I usually do not practice effectively and not enough. I can overcome this by practicing more and asking for help when I need it. Now I am able to learn forms quicker because I practice frequently.
- Mr. Sloan
I wanted to start by letting everyone know that private lessons are available for any age or rank. You are welcome to have private lessons with myself, but Sempai and our instructors are available for private lessons as a little cheaper option. Let me know if you are interest in private lesson with myself or with one of my instructors!
This month we are having buddy week for the first time in 2021! Buddy week will be from February 23-25. Students are welcome to bring their friend to their own curriculum class! Student and friend will have a fun time together in class, and they both will receive a small gift after class as a thank you for bringing a friend and joining us for class. If the buddy signs up for class, the student will receive 10% off the next month's tuition, and the buddy will receive a $15 discount on registration. On top of that, the student that brings the most buddies will receive a free one hour pizza party at the karate school with up to 10 friends! Bring as many buddies as you can!
Ninja Night this month is on February 26. The theme is Friendly February. We encourage each student to bring a friend to join us for Ninja Night. Bringing a friend is not required to attend, but we would love to see a lot of new faces trying out Ninja Night. As always, we will play games, eat pizza and popcorn, and watch a movie. Ninja Night is 6:00-9:30 PM, giving parents three and a half hours for a night out. The fee for the first student is $25, and it is only $15 for each student afterwards. Let me know if you are interested. You can sign up by emailing me, telling me in person, signing up on the sheet in the waiting area, or signing up on the "Home" section of our website.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Thank you all!
- Renshi Michael Bunton