August Newsletter


Happy August! I'm not sure about you all but did summer just fly on by? How are the kids starting school again already?! The summer weather is certainly still here and we hope you all are able to stay cool out there.

We have a few announcements for the month:

  • This month, we started a new all belts kids class on Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15PM! Originally, we had asked that students paying unlimited tuition only pick two of the all belt kids class to attend, but now they can come to all three if they like! If classes fill up too much again, then we may limit them to just two of those classes. 
  • NO Ninja Night in August!

I would also like to add that I tested for and earned my yellow belt! Yippee! I am one step closer to being able to help Renshi out in teaching classes :-)

That's all I have for now. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the month and are looking forward to fall as much as I am!

Best Regards,

Chris Weber

Phoenix Martial Arts Academy